Z-MIN Clinoptilolite Zeolite

What is it?


Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals which were deposited as a result of volcanic activity millions of years ago. Chemically speaking, they are crystalline hydrated alumino-silicates (Ca, Na, Mg, K)x(Al Si5O12)x6H2O).

Zeolites possess an infinite three-dimentional open framework with networks of channels and pores, which occupy up to 60% of its surface. A large surface area (40-50 m2/cub.cm) combined with a unique two-stage porosity provides the mineral with exceptional absorption and adsorption capabilities.

The structure carries a net negative charge that attracts positively charged ions, resulting in a high (up to 220meq/100g) Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C).

Zeolite's pores are uniform in size (average 4-5A) giving the mineral molecular sieve properties (bigger molecules are trapped inside zeolite's pores, while the smaller ones are excluded).

The mineral carries practically untraceable amounts of toxic elements and therefore officially classified as a non-toxic, non-controlled substance, or GRAS (Generally regarded as safe).

There are more than 20 types of natural zeolite known, with just a few being used commercially: The Clinoptilolite variety of zeolite is considered most suitable for the majority of commercial applications. Apart from natural zeolites, several grades of manufactured (synthetic) zeolite have been developed for different industrial uses.


Owing to the unique combination of the above-mentioned useful properties the scope of zeolite's applications in today's environmentally conscientious world is truly enormous.
In many countries of the world natural Clinoptilolite has already firmly established itself on the market as an effective and environment-friendly product in the following areas:

  • ammonia removal in aqua-culture and waste-water treatment;
  • dietary feed additive/toxin binder for animal husbandry;
  • soil conditioner and planting substrate;
  • composting agent for organic fertilizer; component of slow-release chemical fertilizer;
  • carrier for pesticides and other agricultural chemicals;
  • filtering media for water and waste-water treatment (ammonia, heavy metals, organic matter removal, de-ironing of ground water, sludge dehydrating, etc.);garbage landfill preparation (to prevent leaching of toxic waste and odor);
  • odour control in agriculture and household use;
  • radiation protection;
  • anti-caking agent;
  • asbestos substitute in tile production;
  • anti-fungus/anti-bacteria additive in cement, paints and other construction materials;
  • aquarium/swimming pools water purification;
  • cosmetics;
  • and many others.

The zeolite that we offer – Z-MIN Clinoptilolite is of exceptionally high quality and is well suited for most of the above applications.

Technical Data

Z-MIN Clinoptilolite is available in various forms for different applications:
  1. Powder (150-200 mesh)
  2. Grit (0-1 mm)
  3. Small chips (0.2-1mm)
  4. Medium chips (3-5 mm)
  5. Large chips (5-10 mm)
  6. Granulated powder (2-4mm) available on special order
Packing: PP bags - 25kg each
Contact us
2922/146, 4-th Floor, Charn Issara Tower II, Petchburi Tad Mai Rd., Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand

Tel: (662) 716-5388
Cell: 081-843-4124
Fax: (662)-716-5388

E-mail: info@zeotech.co.th

Copyright © Zeotech International Co., Ltd